Sunday, January 26, 2020

Coping Styles Used by Chronic Health Disorder Sufferers

Coping Styles Used by Chronic Health Disorder Sufferers Analyse and evaluate coping styles used by individuals with a chronic health disorder identified in a case study. Case study; BBC documentary called ‘The Truth about Depression’: ( In this essay the author will examine chronic illness with focus on depression and its symptoms as well as critically evaluate coping skills used by individuals with chronic depression. According to better health (2015), a chronic illness is a long term illness, which can be stressful and may change the way a person lives or relates to others. For the purpose of this essay the author will investigate chronic depression (or Dysthymia). Despite mental health professionals’ massive efforts to educate the public, lack of knowledge and misconceptions around resulting in stigma and discrimination (Web MD, 2015). NHS (2015), state that the symptoms of chronic depression are sadness or depressed mood and being physically restless or rundown in a way that is noticeable by others. Fatigue  or loss of energy and problems with concentration or making decisions, a loss of enjoyment in things that were once pleasurable, either weight gain or weight loss of more than five percent of weight within a month, insomnia  or excessive  sleep  almost every day, feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness or excessive guilt and lastly, the most devastating symptom being the almost daily recurring thoughts of death or suicide. According to research carried out by Science Direct (2015), there are a range of different ways an individual can cope. These include; sourcing information on the illness, (which can help combat feelings of helplessness or lack of control), emotional support from others, (particularly family and close friends), setting short-term goals which can restore certainty, power and control and lastly, thinking about possible outcomes and discussing them with health professionals. The overall aim of these coping strategies would be to help the sufferer put into context and give some meaning to what is happening to them. However, not all individuals can achieve this and will find different ways of coping. Whilst coping with depression, individuals need to work on many aspects, contending with sleeping problems, eating, activity, positive and negative emotions, thinking, and relationships. Above all, individuals need to cultivate hope. However, all of these aspects cannot be worked on at the same time. If an individual is severely depressed, their first priority should be their physical health as this can improve their emotional wellbeing by releasing endorphins. These can lift a sufferer’s mood and give them a sense of achievement. Sufferers may also benefit from exercising in groups in order to help build new relationships. However, this coping strategy may not be achievable by all individuals as the participation in such physical activity could be unrealistic due to other underlying health conditions (Everyday Health, 2015). When reality is a nightmare for a sufferer of chronic depression, using sleep as a coping mechanism is simply like clocking out and taking a break from life. However, after sleeping, the reality will continue to make them unhappy. To add to this, a lack of sunlight due to excess sleeping will also lower the mood of the sufferer even further, because it causes an imbalance of certain brain chemicals (Thought Catalogue, 2015). Some other coping skills to practice for sufferers of chronic depression could include; meditation and relaxation techniques. Deep breathing techniques, can activate a relaxation response and help reduce stress. Hobbies are also important in order to set aside time to allow relaxation and escape from the stresses of life, for example, gardening, art therapy, dancing or cooking. One must remember that these techniques may not be suitable for all suffers because of differing interests, or the severity of the depression as they may feel more apprehensive than others to venture out of their surroundings to attend these groups (NHS, 2015). Psychologist World (2015), consider the attachment theory to be important when studying coping styles for chronic depression. Attachment is a biological need and is the basis of the power of therapy ranging from individual to group, hospitalization, and support groups. Ultimately, by the individual establishing or rebuilding secure attachments in friendships, family relationships, and intimate relationships they can start to recover. Stressful life events contribute to the onset of chronic depression. An individual can minimize stress by learning to use coping skills to manage stress. For example, by making sure there is clear communication with doctors, by maintaining emotional balance to cope with negative feelings and maintaining confidence and a positive self-image are essential in the process of remaining well. However, not all individuals can achieve this and find lowering stress levels harder to achieve than others (Help Guide, 2015). Finally hope is the foundation of recovery. What gives an individual hope might change from one time to another. Hope is likely to be intermingled with fear and doubt. One might be afraid to hope for fear of being disillusioned; thus hoping takes courage. Perhaps there’s no firmer ground for hope than the possibility that some good ultimately might come from the painful experience (Share Care, 2010-2015). As well as needing to find ways to deal with the stress involved with chronic depression, from this essay the author has found that an individual will also need to understand their condition, know about the treatments and therapy’s on offer. Maintain trust and confidence in heath professionals, especially when recovery isn’t possible. Know how to control their symptoms by using individual coping skills and lastly maintain social relationships and avoid social isolation. It was also found that obtaining and maintaining good coping skills takes practice. However utilizing these skills becomes easier over time. Most importantly, good coping skills make for good mental health wellness and a way forward from chronic depression. In this essay the author has examined chronic illness focusing on chronic depression and its symptoms. It has also critically evaluated coping skills used by individuals with chronic depression. Bibliography: Allen, J. G. 2003. Substance abuse is a catalyst for depression.Menninger Perspective, 33(1), 17-20. Antony, M. M., Swinson, R. P. 1998.When perfect isnt good enough: Strategies for coping with perfectionism. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger. Bifulco, A., Moran, P. 1998.Wednesdays Child: Research into womens experience of neglect and abuse in childhood, and adult depression. London: Routledge. Every Day Health Media LLC (2015) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 5th May 2015]. Hammen, C. (1997).Depression. East Sussex, UK: Psychology Press. Health Line (2015) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 5th May 2015]. Health Wellness Week (2009) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 6th May 2015]. Help Guide. Org (2015) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 5th May 2015]. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (1998-2015) [Accessed: 7th May 2015]. Medicine Net Inc. (1996-2015) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 8th May 2015]. NHS Choices (2015) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 7th May 2015]. Psychologist World and Partners (2015) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 7th May 2015]. Share Care Inc. (2010-2015) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 7th May 2015]. State Government of Victoria Better Health (2015) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 7th May 2015). The Thought and Expression Co. (2015) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 7th May 2015). Web MD (1994-2015) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 8th May 2015]. Web MD (2015) [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 7th May 2015]. Williams, M. (1997).Cry of pain: Understanding suicide and self-harm. London: Penguin Books.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

African americans and Native americans Essay

African Americans and American Indians or Native Americans are two of the major subordinate groups in America today. They face many forms of oppression from the dominant group and have many things in common when it comes to this oppression. I would like to focus on five specific types of oppression they face: stigmatization, segregation, ethnocentrism, prejudice, and discrimination. African Americans are facing stigmatization far less these days, but if one looks back a half-century, they will find countless examples. Stigmatization can include the de-humanization, labeling, characterizing, and degrading of a group. During slavery, blacks were stigmatized into the happy and carefree characters Mammy and Sambo. This was done to show that slavery was good and blacks probably wouldn’t be able to function in free society. When slaves were freed, blacks were painted as savages that could not be trusted to live normally. Caricatures of blacks with exaggerated features and portraits of the characters Sambo and Mammy still exist today. For Native Americans, stigmatization is far worse. Countless sports teams have a Native American as their mascot, some having very derogatory names such as the Washington Redskins. â€Å"Indians† were also portrayed as evil in countless western movies and as ruthless savages in others. These stigmatizations make â€Å"Indians† seem more like fantasy characters than real people. Many people do not realize that these stigmatizations are very hurtful and detrimental to society. Segregation, the separation of two or more groups based on physical characteristics, is another issue that still plagues African Americans and Native Americans. From the moment Europeans set foot on what is now America, they have been forcing â€Å"Indians† farther and farther west. The American government created reservations for the â€Å"Indians† so that they could have the valuable resources that they â€Å"needed†. Treaties were signed and broken, and the â€Å"Indians† moved farther along the Trail of Tears. Reservations still exist today and for the most part Native Americans have are not integrated into American society. Most would like to think that after the Supreme Court case Brown vs. Board of Education, segregation no longer exists for African Americans. Sure it’s not like we still have separate drinking fountains, but by and large blacks and whites are separate. In all major cities large housing projects have been created for low-income persons. The vast majority of the people living there are black. Most inner city schools are almost entirely made up of minorities. Legal segregation is no longer a problem anymore, but social segregation is still a major problem in society today and something needs to be done. Ethnocentrism is the feeling by one group that they are superior to another based on ethnic background. Native Americans have always been the victims of this. They were forced to leave their homeland by the â€Å"superior† Europeans and thought not good enough to live among them. Native Americans still live mostly separate and many people still degrade them and think of them as inferior both mentally and physically. Most people have not been exposed to them yet judge them anyways. This is very sad and disturbing. African Americans were thought of as the lowest, stupidest, least civilized people on earth. The whites thought they were far superior and showed this by literally stealing African Americans from their homeland of Africa and forcing to into slave labor. Even after slavery, white supremacy groups such as the KKK still exist and continue to be a proponent for the inferiority of African Americans. Many think of blacks as being less far less intelligent and civilized even today. Prejudice and discrimination are two of the biggest problems facing African and Native Americans today, and the two go hand in hand. Prejudice involves negative attitudes towards ethnic groups, which can include beliefs, thoughts, and stereotypes. Discrimination is taking action on these prejudices by denying certain rights and opportunities to these groups. Prejudice leads to discrimination of these groups. African Americans as well as Native Americans are discriminated against in employment opportunities, housing options, public school resources, and countless other ways. They are  discriminated against because of these prejudices and stereotypes.For example, say a black man walks into a store with his white friend. The employees of the store are more likely to offer service to the white man and will probably follow the black man to make sure he is not shoplifting. The prejudice views they hold cause them to discriminate against the black man. These problems are very real even today and unless society as a whole addresses them and ways to stop them, they will continue to destroy the fabric of our country.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Children spend too much time playing computer games Essay

Agree or disagree: Your job has greater happiness than your social life. With the past decades witnessing a great leap in the development of the society, we are now attaching great importance to the sense of happiness which can bring us power, arouse our enthusiasm for loving life, and help us to create a promising future. While some people consider jobs provide us with greater happiness, I bolster that our social life can achieve it better. Admittedly, our job brings happiness, as it can meet both our material and spiritual needs. We will realize our self value and social value in our work, thus meeting our spiritual needs. For example, when it comes to men like Bill Gates, charity work reaches new levels of generosity and commitment. Well-known for founding the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation while also contributing to many other causes, Gates is not only one of the wealthiest men in the world-he is also one of the most giving. I’m fully convinced by the instance that one can gain happiness from work. However, a healthy relationship with our friends is the source of happiness and harbor of our heart. Communication with friends could help us get away from the pressure in our work. When we are in blue, we can talk with our friends, thus extricating ourselves from morbid emotions and even solving problems. Besides, some group work like singing, dancing and playing basketball together help us totally relaxed. Last but not the least, by engaging in social life, we can befriend people from all walks of life. Thus, we can enlarge our social networking and have a happier life. For instance, author Michael Lewis said at a speech:† One night I was invited to a dinner, where I sat next to the wife of a big shot at a giant Wall Street investment bank, called Salomon Brothers. She more or less forced her husband to give me a job. â€Å"Then he was so happy that he got a fantastic job and wrote the book Liar’s Poke which was a hit to the country. If he did not take part in the dinner, he would never have become so successful and delightful. It is a hot issue that do you agree or disagree that your job has greater  happiness than your social life does? Admittedly, your job provides opportunities(opportunities) for you to earn money and gain high career(status). However, can we say that job gives more happiness than social life does? Perhaps not; job also brings us about the deep pressure and deprives the leisure staying with friends. Despite various perspectives people hold on this controversial topic, I, given this choice, prefer to assert that social life has happiness than job does. My point of view, involves the fundamental and deep discussion(s) as follows. In the first place, Social life brings us lots of happiness and leisure when staying with our friends. Both common sense and our experiences from our daily life inform us that friends are very familiar with us, and we can gain lots (of) happiness with them. Take me as an example, in my spare time I often invite my friend to go outdoors. We often go to the Starbucks Coffee and enjoy our hobby that she most likes mocha and(while) latte is myfavorite. There are also tens (of) tastes of cookies worthy to try. Most important, they are not very expensive. We oftensite(sit) outside, enjoying our happiness, talking to each other and playing chess. We both enjoy the leisure time and feel much happy. But how can it’s going when you doing your job, you must bear the pressure coming from high quality assignments(assignments with high quality requirements). Apparently, it’s(it is) indisputable that social life brings us more happiness. In addition, an equally essential and compelling argument that deserves people’s attention is that social life enlarges our social relationships(relationship net) net and give(s) us many chances to improve ourselves. One only need to look at that in the last vacation, I participated into a social party with my parents, just as a big dinner with different people. A brother sitting nearby me kept talking with me and was very interesting. He got to know that I was a student preparing Toefl exam and had many difficulties. And(Fortunately) he was just a teacher from New Oriental School. He gave me many instructions about the listening, speaking, reading and writing learning. Then he gave me many valuable Toefl material(s)after the dinner. I followed his advice and improved my  English. If I didn’t(did not) join the dinner, can I gain the improvement? Of course not. I felt happy not only because of the improvement of the English study but also because of the enlargement of the social relationships net(relationship net). Admittedly, it is probably true that we can achieve the money and advancement from the job. But we also experience the high pressure and complex relationship with colleagues. What’s more, if we get caught in the sophisticated relationship, wewon’t(will not) be happy any more. When the advantage and disadvantage (are) carefully examined, the more striking conclusion is apparent that social life brings us more happiness than job does. To sum up, although some people might still (be) unconvinced. But the reasons and factors I have analyzed make them more aware of the dimensions under discussions. There is little doubt that more and more people realize that social life has more happiness. The lecture and the passage give contradictory opinions on the topic of the function of â€Å"great houses† of Chaco Canyon. The passage explains that there are three competing theories about their function, while the lecture provides several counterarguments to this view. First, the professor challenges the idea expressed in the reading passage that the great structure purely for people to live. He argues that it is impossible for the structure to be residential although it looks like the later American apartment from outside. Because the house is so great that it could be capacity of more than a hundred families, while only around ten fireplaces have been found, which means it couldn’t serve so many people for their daily cooking. Second, the passage suggests that the Chaco structures were used for grain storage while the lecture says that no trace of spilled maize or containers have been found, so they could not been used to store food. This is where the speaker disagrees with the write Finally the lecture apparently refutes the point illustrated in the passage that the house was for ceremonies. According to the professor, there are lots of materials besides broken pots have been found, such as sands, stones, even construction tools, which provides good evidence that the pots may be the leftover from the meals of the construction worker, and which further proved that the house may be not used for ceremonies

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Maslow s Hierarchy Of Needs - 769 Words

Teaching is one of the most important jobs as the future of the country, and indeed the world, lies in the children of today. It is important that we as teachers provide an environment, day in day out, that encourages and enables the students to grow not only as learners but as individuals. I believe the environment that facilitates this, (1) includes a fair, enthusiastic and supportive teacher, (2) incorporates the students’ interests into the curriculum, and (3) includes continual assessment to ensure student progress and success. Being approachable, caring, passionate, creative and enthusiastic are all qualities that I possess. Being kind, helpful, fair, polite and respectful are things that I truly value. These are things that I want to be displayed in my classroom by not only my students but myself. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs suggests that teachers can play a major part in moulding a child and building a solid foundation for their future (McLeod, 2007). I will play my part by being a positive role model and leading by example displaying these qualities and values every day. I will create a safe classroom environment where students feel like they belong, are accepted and have a right to voice their opinion. I will achieve this through praise and recognition of the accomplishment of goals, big or small, and displaying the qualities and values that I find significant. It is also significant that the content being taught in the classroom is relevant, engaging andShow MoreRelatedMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1741 Words   |  7 PagesMaslow’s hierarchy of needs and Herzberg’s. The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs include five levels, and at the certain extent, reflect the rule of human s activities on psychological and behavior. Herzberg’ describe the more details of worker agree or disagree about working. In this essay, more related knowledge details and effects will de described, then, analysis the two theories individual, choose a better one. II. Describe the two theories. 2.1Maslow’s hierarchy of needs The Maslow’s hierarchy of needsRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1536 Words   |  7 Pagesunderstanding of how to motivate different personality types. In the research I am going to compare Maslow’s hierarchy of needs against Lawrence and Nohira’s 4 drive theory in an attempt to better understand their possible uses inside an organizational structure. Let’s first take a look a look at the two theories before discussing their potential benefit. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. We need to keep in mind that Maslow’s field was phycology, so his research was done from a medical viewpoint more soRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1524 Words   |  7 PagesSummary of Maslow’s The Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow developed the theories of motivation because he felt that the sophistication of human behavior could not be portrayed through reinforcement or rewards. He felt that human action were directed toward realization and fulfillments and that behavior could be gratified while using multiple types of needs at the same time. Maslow wanted to find positive motivation as to why people react or engage in certain behaviors. He felt that basic survivalRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1295 Words   |  6 PagesMaslow’s hierarchy of needs (p. 379 in EP)? Outline each level and discuss how it relates to motivation. Abraham Maslow was born in 1908 in Brooklyn, New York. He originally studied law because of the influence of my parents, but after marrying his first cousin, Bertha Goodman, and moving to Wisconsin, he became interested in psychology. After achieving his Masters in Psychology, Maslow moved back to Brooklyn and started teaching at a school there. â€Å"One of the many interesting things Maslow noticedRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs982 Words   |  4 PagesAbraham Maslow was one of the most influential and important educational psychologists and is recognized by many for his theory on mankind’s hierarchy of needs. Maslow’s theory which is known as â€Å"Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs† is best explained as a pyramid of needs that we as humans must meet in order to progress to another stage of needs. There are five stages in the pyramid of needs and they go as follows: physiological, safety, love and belongingness, esteem, and finally self-actualization. MaslowRead MoreMaslow s The Hierarchy Of Needs1769 Words   |  8 Pages Summary of Maslow’s The Hierarchy of Needs Jennifer Thompson Arkansas Tech University Author Note This individual research paper is being submitted on October 13, 2014 for Loretta Cochran’s Management [BUAD 3123] course. â€Æ' Summary of Maslow’s The Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow developed the theories of motivation because he felt that the sophistication of human behavior could not be portrayed through reinforcement or rewards. He felt that human action were directed toward realizationRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1498 Words   |  6 Pagesjust want to survive in life they want to flourish. Maslow s hierarchy of needs explains to us a ranking of needs for most essential to the least. While the interactionist point of view explains how humans are social creatures and social interaction is just as important as all of the other needs listed on Maslow’s Model. Maslow s hierarchy of needs is a ranking of needs for most essential to the least. Corrections Today explains that Abraham Maslow was an American psychologist born in New York, heRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1846 Words   |  8 PagesAbraham Maslow developed the Hierarchy of needs (HON) to try and explain human psychological developments and how these manifest themselves into a worker’s life. We will explore some issues brought up by the model and why it may lack a certain the degree of unification and how it could potentially work better if entwined with other views. Motivation is the â€Å"word derived from the word ’motive’ It’s the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals† (guide, 2017) Also, MaslowRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs Essay1527 Words   |  7 Pages This international technology company demands strong motivation, stupendous leadership and great understanding between workers. Leaders need to create willingness amongst the employees to operate at their highest potential; this willingness is referred to as motivation. This report is based on a content/needs theory of motivation (Maslow’s hierarchy of needs). It consists of two pieces of primary research on the theory. The first one summarises worker motivation on selected construction sites inRead MoreMaslow s Hierarchy Of Needs1388 Words   |  6 Pages Abraham Maslow was an American philosopher who was born in the early 1990 s in Brooklyn, New York. He was one of the leading theorists that promoted humanistic psychology during his era. Maslow sought to understand what motivates and inspires individuals. He theorized that individuals possess and hold a group of motivation and incentive systems not related to plunder or insensible desires. Maslow declared that people are motivated and provoked to attain certain needs. When one need is fulfilled